Sunday, June 5, 2016

Be the best you can be, if you choose to be less than you can be you'll probably will not be happy all your life

Thanks for all the likes. I'm thankful whenever I do something right or get something right or accomplish something even if I can do it in my sleep, because I know I couldn't do anything with out Him, even things that we take for granted like breathing, we think it's ours to have - every breath we get is a gift from God, thank you Lord!

'Yes, yes every breathe we take is because of Him. Oh how we should love Him more than ourselves!'
When we love or serve others we love Him, when we love our selves (body,flesh) we acknowledge that He made us in His image. We are not a body, we are a spirit, the spirit which He breathed into us to become a living soul is in a every cell of our being.

The spirit is for growth and creation.
It knows no lack or limitation.

So be the best you can be, because if you choose to be less than you can be, you probably won't be happy all your life.
More. .

Subject Line: Free 41 Minute Meditations - Experience Deep Meditation Quickly
[Free Meditation Downloads] Establish a daily meditation practice that sticks
[Free Meditations] For relaxation, spiritual development, optimal performance, and healing

Dear Friend,

I want to send you a link to three (3) free sound technology tracks from iAwake Technologies, called iAwake Explore. These are powerful examples of the types of tools iAwake provides for relaxation, optimal performance, spiritual development, and healing.

Profound Meditation 3.0 (20 minutes)
This sample is from iAwake's flagship product, the Profound Meditation Program 3.0. In just 20 minutes our advanced entrainment process will gently guide your brain and mind into a deeply enjoyable and relaxing state of meditation in which you will very likely feel the delightful sensation of “floating.” The more you listen to it, the more you will effortlessly shed the stresses of the day. Don't be fooled by the simple running water sound track! This is powerful stuff. Try using it daily for a week and see what changes you notice. 

HeartWave Meditation (10 minutes)
Allow yourself to soak in the deeply moving and beautiful music, as you feel your body’s tensions easing, your mind stilling and clearing, your heart warming and opening. Use as often as you feel called to. 

Stealing Flow (12 minutes)
A full-spectrum, whole-brain workout. Creative flow, peak performance, insight and intuition, focus, flexibility, and release. This is a track from Stealing Flow that you can listen to in a relaxed yet present way while you meditate, or you can have it playing in the background while you work, study, create. This is powerful, so don’t play this more than a few hours every few days. 

To use these tracks effectively, download, import into your playing device, use a pair of headphones or good earbuds, and sit quietly. If you are an experienced meditator, you can use whatever practice you are currently using, or simply sit and notice what arises during the meditation. By listening to iAwake Technologies' tracks, you can:

  • Experience Deep Meditation Quickly
  • Increase Your Resilience to Life's Challenges
  • Evolve and Deepen Your Spiritual Life
  • Relieve Stress, Anxiety and Depression
  • Increase Your Creativity
  • Deepen Compassion For Yourself and Others

Here's what people are saying about iAwake Explore:

“I've been using your product for several months. I started using shortly after I ended a 7 year business relationship. It was a very stressful time in my life. Yet, with the help of your program, I felt more relaxed and centered than normal. I find that I am more focused on peace, and better able to resolve conflicts during intense negotiations. I find that when problems arise, I tend to just breathe, re-center myself, and start thinking of creative solutions. My progress in the gym also seemed to accelerate and I believe there is a correlation. I find that I am sleeping better through the night, and more awake and alert during the day."
—Michael Halbfish

“The level of entrainment has been been the most gentle and powerful I have ever experienced. I have experienced deeper states of meditation with a sense of profound centering, calming and true meaningful spiritual communion. The entire PMP 3.0 system contains more than enough power to allow for my evolution for years to come."
—Jeff Pendergrast, M.D.

"I highly recommend this particular meditation technology in support of our growth as individuals, to help balance our energies, and to deepen our access to our inner wisdom. The iAwake Technologies tracks work at many levels and the support given to iAwake Technologies practitioners is phenomenal, including free weekly teleseminars for discussion and Q&A.”

—Dr. Susanne Cook-Greuter, D.Ed from Harvard University and internationally known authority on Mature Adult Development

I think you'll find these tracks a tremendous aid on your transformative journey of becoming your best and most creative self. This technology is a life changer -- get started today.




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Free 41 Minute Meditations - Experience Deep Meditation Quickly [Free Meditation Downloads] Establish a daily meditation practice that sticks [Free Meditations] For relaxation, spiritual development, optimal performance, and healing. Click >>> <<<

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